
Cakes, cupcakes and other bakery products in Kota Bharu - 013-9564578 - farawanent@gmail.com

Saturday, May 23, 2009

..::Surprise To A Teacher::..

Moist Devil's Food Cake Premium
From a student to his beloved teacher...

I got this order last week (a week before Teacher's Day). The buyer asked me to bake a Moist Devil's Food Cake Premium for his formal teacher (his class teacher 7 years ago).. Actually, I were kinda touched when I've been asked for this order... Well., how lucky the teacher was for having a student as this guy... Even it was 7 years past, but still the rememberance of his teacher is still fresh in mind... So with the love and appreciation... I'm so lucky to accept this order.. To express the love and rememberance of a student to his beloved teacher...
A little much about the cake :-
Moist Devil's Food Cake Premium - 3 layered cake which is every layer is poured with chocolate ganache and sprinkled with black and white chocolate chips...
I would like to express my thank you to Hazaruddin for the order. I hope your teacher will love it.