
Cakes, cupcakes and other bakery products in Kota Bharu - 013-9564578 - farawanent@gmail.com

Monday, May 11, 2009

..::Mashed Potato @ Farawan::..

Balik dari ofis tadi, my mum cakap nak buat fried chicken with mashed potato.. Semua bahan pon dia dah beli, including the chicken, potato, fried chicken powder... Everything... Hm, as my sister balik cuti universiti dari ibu negara, selalu saja nak masak special... Biasela, jarang-jarang she balik umah, kan... But, who'll cook?? Huhuhue!~
Sesampai kat rumah aje, mama terus tukar baju then menerjah ke dapur.. Disiangnye ayam tu, basuh bersih-bersih... Then potato tu, dipisahkan dari kulitnya... Lalu direbus hingga lembut... Lalu tibalah masanya aku pulak yang mengambil alih tugasan dapur... Bab masak-masak...

I'm sorry I can't put the pictures here... My digicam buat hal lagi... Nak kata lama, baru 3 tahun.. But I got the recipe here... Rasanya fried chicken tu semua pon dah reti buat, kan... So I don't think I should put it here...

Here's the recipe for Mashed Potato..

Mashed Potato

1/2 kg Potato - Peeled and boiled to cook, mashed.
1/2 cup of fresh milk (or evaporated milk or milk powder + water).
a pinch of salt (to taste).
a pinch of black pepper powder.


1. Potato dikupas kulitnya, direbus hingga lembut dan dilenyek. Saya pakai garpu utk lenyek those potato... I love it that way as we can still taste the texture of the potato..

2. Campurkan semua bahan dalam mangkuk tahan panas @ vision @ periuk.., bring to a boil.

3. Make sure the heat is medium, and do always stir it.. Kita xmahu nanti marshed potato kita nie hangus kat bawah. Kacau hingga agak pekat dan susunya kelihatan kering. Well, agak-agak boleh scoop... Tutup apinya.


2 sudu besar Brown Sauce Powder.
1 gelas air.


Campur semua. Kacau hingga sebati. Bring to a boil, kacau sampai pekat.. Tutup api..

*Scoop mashed potato tadi dengan ice cream scoop atau pakai sudu aje... Curahkan kuah atasnya.. Ready to serve.. Panas atau dingin.. Huhue!~!~ Mashed potato nie x semestinye sedap makan panas2.. Tak kisah bila nak makan... Selamat mencuba...


  1. Sayang, it is MASHED potato ek.. :)

  2. Hahaha..!!~ Ha'ah la tuh.. sekali mashed potato, I tukau taruk marshed potato.. dah compiuh.. haha!!~ Marshed la, from Mars... huhuhue!~ Thanks anyway.., nnt I tukau.. tenkiu kasi pembetulan... huahuahua!~
